Even if spirits roamed there, they were just people.
Having angry spirits roaming about among people who were already mentally unbalanced was not a good idea.
Her spirit roamed Bullard mansion until it was torn down.
She appeared sullen, moody, withdrawn and determined to be there in physical appearance only as her spirit roamed free.
The story holds that the head was never found, resulting in her spirit forever roaming the area in search of it.
At this time, many spirits roam around trying to fulfill their past needs, wants and desires.
He had felt the clouds and rain but yet his spirit was roaming restless.
From that night until Christmas, spirits, gnomes and trolls roamed the earth.
We would not let the spirit of one of our people roam the world all alone.
He heard of the 'spirits roaming' story and it did not prevent him from going through that path.