With the urgency caused by climate change, and the spiralling costs of fuel, there can be little doubt there is an appetite to know more about renewables.
The changing image of 'yuppies' and spiralling costs and congestion have seen to that.
This level is considered to be unsustainable in the long-term, potentially causing a spiralling cost of borrowing that leads to a need for a bail-out.
Whilst the club have obtained planning permission for these projects, the spiralling costs of construction of the stadium has led to the projects being shelved.
And the spiralling costs in electricity.
The spiralling cost of parliament's £250m new building, Portcullis House, is revealed in detail by the national audit office today.
A little further on are families who cannot afford the spiralling cost of renting even the most basic of homes.
The Welsh Assembly Government gave approval for this upgrade in 2002 but the plan was later axed in 2005 due to "spiralling costs".
The voters of Bury were probably as patriotic as any other men but the spiralling cost of the war was a real issue for them.
On that occasion in September I expressed my concern, as did other Members, at the spiralling cost of the project.