All about, stood other specimens of that spiny tree, like vengeful sentinels viewing the plane's fate.
Aiphanes horrida is a solitary, spiny tree.
They also have the extraordinary ability to leap to spiny trees and precisely place their hands and feet so that they will not hurt themselves.
The men took shelter beneath a spiny tree, wrapping themselves in garbage bags to hold in the heat that never came.
Men With Bad Haircuts Arrive The second night, after they had been robbed, the men took shelter in a cow pasture underneath a spiny tree.
Some are spiny trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions of the Americas.
Mesquite: A spiny deep-rooted leguminous tree or shrub that forms extensive thickets in the southwestern United States.
Lonchothrix emiliae (Tuft-tailed spiny tree rat)
Psorothamnus spinosus, a spiny tree of the American desert.
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis, the Hercules' Club (or Hercules-club), pepperwood, or Southern prickly ash, is a spiny tree or shrub native to the southeastern United States.