Yet not everyone feels a clear-cut spinal pain when this happens.
If the sinus becomes infected, it can result in meningitis and myelitis, symptoms of which are spinal pain, rigidity, and fever.
The usual complaint is with thoracic spinal pain.
Applying pressure up and down that area with one's thumbs for about five minutes will ease spinal pain, he said.
Signs include rear limb weakness or paralysis, urinary or fecal incontinence, and spinal pain.
There are many possible reasons pregnant women may experience back or spinal pain.
Patients with spinal pain in the neck or back are usually treated conservatively before surgery is considered.
Recalling what that spinal pain felt like, she said she was not so sure.
Not everyone feels a clear-cut spinal pain when a fracture occurs.
She had intense head and spinal pain with loss of mobility.