The women were given on-demand spinal injections of fentanyl, a commonly used obstetrical pain reliever.
He looked over some of the X-rays and said, 'I recommend spinal injections.'
"I recall one anesthesiologist who early in his residency had problems administering an epidural," or spinal injection, he said.
A trial of conservative treatment including "activity modification, medications, physical therapy, home exercise therapy, and spinal injections" is recommended.
Trial direct spinal injection was very successful and lead to implant of pump.
Standard surgery requires general anesthesia or a spinal injection that numbs the lower part of the body and a hospital stay of several days.
The pain was so intense that she underwent a spinal injection of steroids and ended up taking a collection of other drugs orally.
Cerclage is performed using either general anesthesia or regional anesthesia (such as spinal injection).
Previous back surgery, procedures, or spinal or epidural injections.
A doctor may recommend a spinal injection to help reduce your back pain.