In recent years a number of spin-off products have been launched under the same branding.
The Chocolate Orange brand has seen spin-off products, currently including:
When the product first came out, there was seven different flavours and two spin-off products to make it more popular which were later discontinued.
Fear Factor has also resulted in various spin-off products:
Its success has led to the marketing of spin-off products, such as books, art, comics and a movie which is planned for release in 2013.
This little blue penguin has 1,500 spin-off products and a section in a theme park.
Since the early 1930s, the Britannica has developed several "spin-off" products to leverage its reputation as a reliable reference work and educational tool.
Of all of Smith's films, however, Clerks is the one with the most direct spin-off products.
The design has over the years been extended and developed into numerous spin-off products.
The programme became an award-winning hit around the world, with a vast range of spin-off commercial products.