As it was, the Mercury slid to a stop, and the wheels spun helplessly, churning water into the air.
Still screaming, it began to spin helplessly in a circle like a toy pinwheel.
Then the fuel ran out, and the helplessly spinning transporter fell in towards the Sun.
Somebody tried to drive our machine out of the hole, but its wheels only dug into the ground and spun helplessly.
Now the wall of rock was only fifty miles away, and each time he spun helplessly in space it came ten miles closer.
Once again, he pushed too hard with his feet and the entire chamber turned upside down as he spun helplessly around, totally out of control.
The two men trade punches as the boat spins helplessly in the churning water.
And the white man fell, spinning helplessly in his black tee shirt.
By then Yvgeny was dead, and the family, spinning helplessly out of control, fell apart.
Careful not to make any sudden move that could start him spinning helplessly, he scanned the space around him.