As Ozzy Osbourne cooks eggs in a kitchen he spills orange juice all over the table, apparently due to uncontrollable shakes.
The screwdriver was incredibly fast for that job: Pop open the oyster, drop screwdriver, pick up paring knife, cut muscles, don't spill juice, put oyster on crushed ice, repeat.
Chapman's lawyer, Brook Hart, said the incident was a misunderstanding, stating that Chapman had spilled orange juice on his pants, and proceeded to climb into the backseat, which has darkly tinted windows, to change into a clean pair.
She was so startled that her hand jerked upward and she spilled orange juice all over herself.
However, she is immersed into the lives of the four legendary bullies after her first and only friend at school, Sanjo Sakurako, accidentally spills juice on Domyouji's white shirt in the cafeteria and she defends her.
Stunned, she spilled orange juice down his chest.
They brought paper towels to Claire, who had spilled orange juice over her quilt.
Stella runs home, spills orange juice on Ben's bed and takes a picture of Phil and Ben, tearing Phil out and keeping the piece with Ben tucked in her bra.
Had someone spilled lemon juice over the iceberg with blue cheese, which had an overbearing tartness?
While enjoying their rewards, Flint accidentally spills juice across the map, revealing a coincidental symbol.