He set out down one of the narrow critter byways threading the spiky grass.
The landscape of spiky trees and spiky grass, scattered sparsely over gritty dirt, could easily have been a frontier planet.
She reached the poplars and stumbled into the field behind them, falling flat on her belly, her face pressed into the spiky grass.
Almost life- size, among the flowers and spiky grasses, the face smiled round at him--very image of Vic!
Its spiky grass had been littered with broken bottles and bottle caps, filter tips, condoms, and tumbleweed trash.
Then, with a grunt of satisfaction, he crouched down, parting the spiky grasses with his gloved hands.
She walked up closer, boots crunching the spiky grass.
Even the air smelled pretty, a dry scent of spiky grass and acacias.
She left me standing in a plot of damp, spiky grass; I suppose the Horch equivalent of a front lawn.
Then the brownish scurrying of a hare across the top of spiky snow-blown grass.