My age ... I'm just not used to the more spicy meals, that's all.
I love a hot, spicy meal.
Also check out the selection of fresh fruit juices and shakes that help put out the fire after a spicy meal.
You know how you feel hot after a spicy meal?
Together they make an absolutely satisfying, spicy meal.
And after years of priding myself on having a cast iron stomach, I've begun to have problems after very spicy meals.
Has the person recently eaten a spicy meal, garlic, cabbage, or other "odorous" food?
Your heartburn may be a sign of deeper trouble - more than a grouchy stomach rebelling against a big, spicy meal.
It is a common menu item at Thai restaurants and works well after a spicy meal.
When you're doubled over with a burning pain in your stomach, is your love of flamingly spicy meals to blame?