They will be amber in color and have a spice flavor and will be marketed to appeal particularly to men between the ages of 18 and 34.
SANDEMAN 1994: $24 Cinnamon and spice flavors, fruity and tasty but not complex.
Ms. Saynay's lollipops, 75 cents each or three for $2, come in exotic fruit and spice flavors, including bergamot, cardamom, sassafras and black pepper.
"When you infuse," Mr. Traunfeld told us, "you get that wonderful spice flavor and strain out the green vegetal flavors."
Though a little softer and less structured than the Phelps, it was just as attractive, with anise and lively fruit and spice flavors.
This was an outstanding wine, complex and balanced, rich yet elegant, with lingering fruit and spice flavors.
A 15-year-old malmsey from Blandy's is a luminous wine, with brilliant fruit and spice flavors and lively acidity.
Its wines are reputed to have more blackberry and spice flavors.
You're expecting it to be awful but then you put it in your mouth and you get all these fantastic spice flavours that make up a haggis.
Hesser, too, found it elegant, with cinnamon and spice flavors.