Each day is spent buying futile delays in our destiny.
All told, millions of dollars were spent buying Discovery Zone during the last two trading sessions.
The remaining funds will be spent buying additional properties.
But much of his money is spent buying water from a truck.
In the last election, 10 months ago, according to a recent analysis, fully $800 million was spent buying votes.
Perhaps ironically, significant portions of the settlement were later spent buying Sony audio equipment.
Moreover, an absence of campaign finance laws makes it impossible to know how much money, public or private, is spent buying votes.
Almost £1,000 was spent buying tattoo ink and a further £1,394 on sun bed equipment for two separate studies.
A total of $29.2 billion was spent buying 314 companies, compared with $13.9 billion for 229 companies in 1986.
This $500 000 is spent buying oil from Mexico.