Remaining years were spent battling ill health.
The last years of his life were spent battling a variety of illnesses.
Town won two cups in 1999-2000 but league-wise this and following seasons were spent battling relegation.
Bates' final three years were spent battling cancer and he eventually died on January 8, 1997, in Bent River, Ontario, Canada.
Most of my time was spent battling that, so I couldn't give vent to these other things.
His life was spent battling bravely with pain and illness, from something like leukemia in boyhood to Addison's disease later on, and the excruciating back complaint.
This week, like most other weeks, much of my time has been spent battling email overload.
Three days were spent dodging and battling Iranian forces in the deserts around the earthquake-stricken city of Bam.
This ended a two year title drought that Cochran had spent battling rib and wrist injuries.
A wool skirt was a strange thing to one whose life had been spent battling the sun.