The best way to make these tax cuts possible is through careful, deliberate, and permanent spending restraint.
The Mayor is right to insist on overall spending restraint.
We need to stop that practice through disciplined spending restraint, not tax increases.
We must cut spending relative to current levels to make a down payment on future spending restraint.
Significant public spending restraint had in fact been introduced earlier in the 1960s under the Wilson government.
The Legislature must insure that any spending restraints do not sacrifice physician training and health care for the needy.
Does anyone need further proof that spending restraint alone can't cut it?
They account for more than one-third of all the spending restraints in Government programs that the budget envisions.
"There's been no significant spending restraint anywhere in the budget."
It was off by $100 billion, plus change, not because of any spending restraint but because an economic boom produced greater revenues.