Mr. Catterson's victory in the 1989 race for District Attorney was the culmination of years spent pursuing elective office.
Did I resent the time you spent pursuing your career?
It seemed a natural extension of a youth spent pursuing outdoor interests in Portland, Ore., where his father ran a sawmill.
He was acting governor of California while Brown spent time outside of California pursuing presidential ambitions.
Brian is still active in writing and recording aspects but spends his time these days pursuing other passions such as art and photography.
But in any farce, the energy a character spends pursuing a single goal is funny.
They also disallowed hours spent pursuing an education from counting against required weekly work hours.
Another love-it-or-hate-it battle involved hours spent pursuing a master sniper using thermal goggles and a directional microphone.
Because it takes so much time to master the skills required - time he would rather spend pursuing his own career.
Why, after half a lifetime spent pursuing this goal, does he hesitate now?