Their young spend the summer and fall feeding in fresh water before heading to the sea.
The ship spent four weeks there before heading south to San Francisco, California, where she arrived on 22 December 1945.
Brian Jordan was in a group of four team members who spent a couple of hours at the site early yesterday before heading for Shea.
Returning home 29 November, she spent only six weeks in leave and upkeep before heading back to Vietnam.
My tour group was to spend two nights there before heading into the mountains, and another at the end of the trip.
He spent just 100 minutes with her before heading back to Highgrove.
She then spent some time at her parents' house before heading back to her new husband's home.
He couldn't come for the ride unfortunately and I didn't feel like I could spend another day before heading north.
He spent two seasons in Australia before heading to England to try his luck again.
Rayford would spend the night in New York before heading back home to decide whether it was really feasible to do this job from Chicago.