Each time, she spent less time at the new company than at the previous one.
Jeannie Broaders, 43, spent 16 years at the company, the last six as a human- resources manager.
The plan grants employees roughly 1 share of stock for every workday they'd spent at the company.
He spent some time in Belgium at the associate company that worked with the woolen mill.
"I spend the same amount of my time at the company as last year."
Many of the younger Unanues spend summers at the company.
Ford experts also spent months at the company, supervising quality.
Mr. Dunn, however, has spent his career at the company largely in finance.
Mr. Ranck, 42, has spent 21 years at the company.
"Our people spend a great amount of time at the company," said Charles Dress, the human resources director.