Jokes are made about spending the night amid Hart Island's many ghosts.
They spend their days amid people with settled careers, but they teeter on the cliff's edge.
He'd spent his days amid violence and crime.
The old guard of telecommunications providers like the large phone companies have, however, cut back spending drastically amid their own downturn.
Spending the morning amid a ruined olive harvest made me wonder why this man grows olives.
After gaining a reading knowledge of the local language, Berliner spent his evenings amid the science shelves at the public library.
It was strange to sleep underground, but less unpleasant than spending the night amid the unknown terrors of the forest.
Spend a night amid acres of beautiful tropical gardens in Marangu.
Each day spent amid Manhattan's potholes and gridlock was a gift to his young daughters, whose lives, he said, "should be better than mine."
We spent a couple of hours amid the gleaming white temples, enjoying the beauty and peace of the holy site.