It is sometimes spelt Parkvonear, but local spelling includes the middle letter 'a'.
French spelling includes several final letters that are no longer pronounced, and that in many cases have never been pronounced.
Notable people with the given name Hayley, or variant spellings of it, include:
Other spellings of the name included wroxhal (1227) and wrokeshal (1242).
Alternative spellings of his last name include Kullar and Khullar.
Several spellings of the last name include Swain.
Other spellings of the clan name include Moar and Moore.
Earlier spellings of the town's name include Tanderagee and Tonregee.
The spelling of his name includes a hieroglyph which is thought to be connected with steering a boat, although its exact nature is not known.
Old spellings used in some Hungarian names and their modern correspondents include the following: