'Igbo' had been spelled 'Ibo' by British colonialists until the 20th century.
The town name was spelled "Smithborough" until 1893.
The term "flour" was spelled "flower" in English until the 19th century.
The river and mountain were spelled as Upika or Upica until 1961, an Innu word meaning "narrowing river".
Around the 12th century, word-initial /l/ became /ʎ/, even though it continued to be spelled as l until the 15th century.
For example, music was spelled musick until the 1880s, and fantasy was spelled phantasy until the 1920s.
The name was spelled Aa until 1917 when the Norwegian language reform changed the letter aa to å.
Its name was spelled Ourcel-Maison until August 26, 2004.
The name was spelled Arundell until 1733, when the final l was dropped.
The name was spelled Snaasen until the early 20th century.