He hinted that there might be a speedy way of remedying the situation.
Del Borgo was very pleased by the speedy and thorough way they had handled the job.
But now for your guide to losing weight the easy, speedy way - on the F-Plan.
Purniah kept the king's death a top secret, and sent the word to Tipu by the speediest way possible.
He walked slowly between the mountains of paper, his mind alive and ticking over possibilities in a speedy way that was exhilarating.
This is a sure and speedy way of ending your distress.
And there is no speedy way for it to find out.
The Airmail services are the speedy, cost-effective way of keeping in touch with everyone abroad.
Happily, there's a speedy way to smooth those bumps and lumps: Yoga.
Rather, the arrangement is viewed as the speediest way to shut down "900" operations that engage in fraud.