Critics claimed that this train is used only for speedy travel citing the easy availability of tickets as a reason.
Many of the past and present Aston Villa players have taken up residence in the area, one of the more rural parts of the Midlands, enabling them speedy travel to training sessions.
Our fighting force will consist only of mounted warriors, lightly armored for the sake of speedy travel.
Yielding Primacy To Montmartre The Gare St.-Lazare, which came to symbolize the new freedom of speedy travel, continued to draw artists.
The ratboard provides the rats with speedy travel in and around the ship.
The imperative of safe and speedy travel from east to west was of strategic importance to the country.
Her body had been designed for flight rather than speedy travel along the ground, but the Prithian did the best she could and approached the final hatch.
The Mayor, however, said a crackdown against jaywalking, like the pedestrian gates placed in midtown, would improve traffic flow and allow speedier travel for emergency vehicles.
An underground Tyne and Wear Metro station opened at the site on 28 April 2002 enabling speedy travel within Sunderland and much of Tyne & Wear.
Amsterdam Avenue was also very close to the new Interborough Rapid Transit, which after it opened in the first decade of the twentieth century, enabled speedy travel up and down the length of Manhattan.