The Justice Department is considering going to court this week to ask a federal judge to enforce the immigration ruling in hope of speedily resolving a difficult, emotional political and diplomatic problem.
Along with the thefts, prosecutors accused the lawyers of agreeing to low settlements for their clients so that they could speedily resolve cases and get cash.
They speedily resolved themselves into three large brown birds, which circled over the heads of the two wanderers, and then settled upon some rocks which overlooked them.
'The Syrian forces could, if they wanted, speedily resolve the problem of Gen Aoun in Lebanon through military means, but the Syrian leadership is fully convinced there will be no need to resort to this as Gen Aoun's removal is a matter of time and will take place quickly through political means.'.
Coast Capital Savings agreed to the settlement to avoid further legal proceedings, but claim that the "agreement to settle is not an admission of liability or wrongdoing, but rather a way to speedily resolve the issue in everyone's best interests."
Hopefully Mr Santer's letter and measures taken by the Commission will speedily resolve the situation.
I should like to ask the Bureau to speedily resolve this problem, which is causing considerable difficulties for many people without whose good work we could not do our own work.