An inline speed skate is a specialized shoe version of the inline skate.
Those 11 showed an average improvement of 6.25% on their times, compared to 2.5% of the other skaters using regular speed skates.
Some of them were wearing speed skates of the sort you see in the Olympics.
So in Illinois we had to borrow black speed skates.
Rodriguez, a former world champion in inline skating, was 20 when she laced up her first pair of speed skates.
Racing skates, also known as speed skates, have long blades and are used for speed skating.
The free-heel models give the equivalent effect as the klap skate form of speed skates.
"All the other people wearing speed skates came up to introduce themselves."
Maple Skate is a Dutch speed skate and tool manufacturing company.
These extended-blade skates are known as speed skates.