Excessive speed while driving through loose chippings can result in damage to both the road and vehicles.
The speed of the attack resulted in a bridge across the Ilm River being captured and the town was taken.
Swapping speed for japery may well have resulted in the conversion of that fallen Boar into bacon.
That speed resulted in eight sacks against Pitt, three in a row on the last series of a 20-13 victory.
And they hope to multiply the speed a thousandfold by 2010, resulting in the first petaflop machine.
A too slow rolling speed may result in the engine not being able to start.
The speed of the festival's efforts has resulted in some comic mishaps.
Connecticut's runaway speed resulted in 20 turnovers, 3 more than Stanford, and too many driving layups that went awry.
But the slower speed only resulted in more animals being maimed instead of killed.
The larger engine increased the aircraft's speed, but also its weight, resulting in only an overall slight increase in maximum speed.