The scouts would determine the speed of the advance.
The speed of the advance forced Patton's units to rely largely on air reconnaissance and tactical air support.
These defenses were still largely unprepared by the beginning of the operation because of the speed of the German advance.
The Soviet defenders were taken by surprise with the speed of the advance.
The speed of the Swiss advance did not give the Burgundians time to make much use of their artillery and missile units.
The speed of the advance was rapid.
The first of these was the unexpected speed of the Russian advance to the Oder.
Rommel made use of the Luftwaffe as a forward, mobile artillery to support the speed of the advance.
Surprised by the speed of the French advance, Wurmser was only able to gather up 11,000 men before the collision took place.
The British and French commanders had been taken by surprise at the speed of the advance.