Colloquial speech refers to people "holding" multiple citizenship but technically each nation makes a claim that this person be considered its national.
The speeches once again refer to the bill in general terms, and represent the final chance for debate.
Yet the speech was more striking for its tough talk about an unspoken enemy, clearly referring to Iraq.
Circumstantial thinking, or circumstantial speech, refers to a person being unable to answer a question without giving excessive, unnecessary detail.
Egocentric speech is referring to the speech that is not adapted to what the listener just said.
Any speech in plural refers to two (at least).
The perfective aspect of the past is used when the speech refers to past situations that were finished, or complete.
The imperfective aspect of the past is used when the speech refers to past situations that were not finished yet, or incomplete.
The progressive aspect of the past is used when the speech refers to past situations that were happening in a continuous and uninterrupted way.
One or two speeches have referred to specific issues which we are well advised to think about very carefully.