Unknown to all, she had won an inter-school speech contest with a touching dedication to Koro and the traditions of the village.
Simons had won first honors in a speech contest with his oration on abolitionist John Brown.
IN 20 years as a parent, I've been to my share of kiddie concerts, plays, art shows, recitals, speech contests and such.
At the age of 6, he won the city-wide speech contest and began gaining local popularity as a public speaker.
In junior high school, Delilah won a speech contest, reciting the Gettysburg address.
In 1942, the annual speech contest was inaugurated.
She recalled a speech contest she had once entered in school.
In seventh grade, she won a speech contest by reciting the Gettysburg Address.
The city also holds a national speech contest for high school students to read Mr. Hearn's stories in English.
Or how proud you were of me when I won the speech contest in Phoenix.