Kurmann derives the word from the name of the Kumyks, one of many Turkic peoples, although this appears to be a purely speculative claim.
In other words, the Defendants allege that the Plaintiffs only offered speculative claims rather than legitimate contentions.
There are many published speculative claims about historical figures who may have had autism spectrum disorders.
This is classic AlanR, posting as fact all sorts of speculative claims that verge on tin-foil-esque, with little to no explanation of how he got there.
"Cantor's is a highly speculative claim which we strenuously oppose," Mr. Spencer said in a statement.
"Such a speculative claim has no place in securities arbitration."
It makes some speculative claims about his allegedly disfunctional marriage with Margaret Douglas, Fair Maid of Galloway.
First, the Secretary of State clearly blames welfare rights advisers for manipulating the regulations and for making speculative claims.
The somewhat speculative claims about the possibility of using nanorobots in medicine, advocates say, would totally change the world of medicine once it is realized.
The dispute involves speculative claims far beyond the available data.