Parkes said some spectators might not expect the kind of security checkpoints associated more with airports than with golf tournaments.
Most spectators were expecting Trevino's experience to prevail, but on the back nine Albus, not Trevino, shot 32 to win the title.
Once in the Olympic Ring, spectators still should expect to walk some distance in Atlanta's sweltering summer heat and humidity.
The spectators watching in the Vugraph theater expected Lev to take the obvious diamond finesse.
The spectators, who could see the players on closed circuit television, now expected Duboin to plunge into deep thought before making a crucial decision.
At the 2002 Pepsi 400, a late-race caution came out, and participants and spectators expected a red flag.
The races are loud and dirty, and the spectators closest to the action can expect to dodge flying bits of rock and gravel.
From his window, The Shadow could see that eager spectators were expecting a successful finish to an intensive man hunt.
Next weekend, during the second the Revolutionary Windsor event, spectators can expect even more battlefield excitement.
Professional rugby can be an emotional rollercoaster, especially at Gloucester where the club, players and the spectators are expecting success.