In 1900 the United States Geological Survey dedicated a report to the petrified forest and encouraged swift action to preserve the spectacular fossils before curiosity seekers removed them all.
American Mastodons, Mammut americanum The American Mastodon is not only a spectacular fossil found in southern Michigan, but is Michigan's state fossil.
The Bürgermeister Müller Museum in Solnhofen displays the history of lithography, the story of the limestone quarries and the spectacular fossil finds from the area, including the most recently discovered Archaeopteryx specimen.
In 2002, Pickford and his team erected the Kipsaraman Community Museum in the Tugen Hills, which displays casts of Orrorin, along with many other spectacular fossils from the region.
The report encouraged swift action to preserve the spectacular fossils.
In the Phillips sale, the most spectacular fossil is a complete turtle skeleton of the genus Trionychidae, which is 40 to 50 million years old.
The Walcott quarry produced such spectacular fossils because it was so close the Stephen formation - indeed the quarry has now been excavated to the very edge of the Cambrian cliff.
The quarry's proximity to the Cathedral escarpment led to the preservation of spectacular fossils.
Charles Moore (1815-1881) was an eminent geologist whose most spectacular fossil finds came from a single strata 15 cm-thick at Strawberry bank near Ilminster.