The gallery holds some spectacular exhibits such as a reconstruction of an Imperial Palace building from Beijing's Forbidden City and a Ming-era tomb complex.
Perhaps the single most spectacular exhibit, and the one that kept my three experimenters, DePalma children all, from sleeping the night after a recent visit, is the fantasy maze and light show inside a five-story-tall green-tile sphere.
Tim Caulton directed exhibition development, introducing spectacular exhibits that bridged science and art, such as Ned Kahn's fire tornado, "The Big Melt" (described below) and works by San Francisco 'artist in electricity' Cork Marcheschi.
(One of the more spectacular exhibits at the National Academy is the sign of the "Golden Comb," which dates from the middle of the 18th century and is big enough to have tidied up a fashion-conscious gorilla.)
Still "one of the world's last great romantics," Malraux produced spectacular exhibits.
Each year it produced a myriad of brilliant yellow flowers, and since it stood some fifty feet high, it was a spectacular exhibit.
It is famous for two spectacular exhibits: the largest mounted dinosaur in the world, and an exquisitely preserved specimen of the earliest known bird, Archaeopteryx.
Determined to put it out of her mind, Eden had decided to spend the weekend in Paris, where the Louvre was featuring a spectacular new exhibit of several newly discovered paintings by D'Mack of Vulcan.
Animal right down there: our most spectacular exhibits.
The new approach is to focus on specific geographic regions and replace rows of individual aquariums with spectacular, interactive exhibits that usually involve large tanks and an expanded animal population.