With Heller's spectacular defeat and the bloodthirsty crowd, I had to find what Madison planned next.
Much of the Serb-held land in Croatia, the Krajina region, has now been lost in a spectacular but foreseeable defeat.
Soviet forces took the offensive after the spectacular defeat of the Army Group Centre following Operation Bagration in 1944 from which the Wehrmacht forces never recovered.
However, public support quickly waned as it became apparent that the war would not be easy and it dragged on, partially contributing to the Conservatives' spectacular defeat in 1906.
In the 1979 election the UCD had achieved a plurality, but in 1982 it suffered a spectacular defeat.
A first attempt to secure for the women the titles of their degrees, not just a certificate from their colleges, was rebuffed in 1887 and a second try in 1897 went down to even more spectacular defeat.
It was that disgust that put Kasich in office last year - and led to his spectacular defeat last night.
That vote helped set off the burst of opposition that spelled Judge Bork's spectacular defeat and turned the national spotlight on Mr. Specter.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's proposed overhaul foundered in Congress two years ago, a spectacular defeat that overshadowed other Administration goals and left the President nearly mute on the subject.
It seemed the Looters from Konis had learned a lesson from their recent spectacular defeat, learned that a human soldier is more resourceful and flexible than even a well-programmed robot.