They made all those reckless pub versions seem like so many oily bread crumbs with specious claims to maritime paternity.
The "management plan" makes a specious claim to be promoting biodiversity while doing exactly the opposite.
However, he makes some specious claims.
This specious claim of non-selectivity is at the heart of so many false claims about the performance of schools in this country.
William Macklowe, a spokesman for the firm, said that "it's a specious claim; we did not undermine their foundations."
"There's a lot of false claims out there and a lot of specious claims to what all technologies can do," he said.
Defend them, St. Genesius, from the casuistry and specious claims of those who would defeat their efforts in a court of law!
House-Senate conferees would do well to reject such specious claims and save the Pentagon's money.
Once, when the town tax office attempted to raise her taxes under the specious claim that she owned more land than recorded, she produced 200-year-old property deeds.
But one only has to look around the world to see just how specious such claims are.