The Air Force has not specified the bomber's missions and potential targets beyond penetrating Soviet defenses and has left many members of Congress wondering why it is needed.
The Pentagon issued a statement this evening noting that the purpose of the review was to analyze nuclear weapons requirements, not to specify targets.
Fred also features a downhill simplex optimizer where the user can specify variables, merit function and multiple targets for optimization.
The indictment did not specify targets of the alleged kidnappings.
The requirement is merely to specify targets that are measurable and achievable.
It is for this reason that the Commission proposal not only specifies overall targets for recovery and recycling, but also targets differentiated according to the materials concerned.
This is no longer a matter of apportioning guilt, but of specifying short-term targets - and responsibilities - on the way to the overall objective.
I deplore, however, that many DCI country strategy papers merely refer to gender as a cross-cutting issue, failing to specify concrete activities, targets or financial allocations.
Option 3: Specify targets for longer dated maturities - so for example, say that they will keep the 10Y treasury yield at 2% for 12 months.
These traits were used to specify targets for other cards.