The specifications required to meet these can be readily elicited and catalogued.
These calculations and tests help engineers develop and maintain the properties of the drilling fluid to the specifications required.
The following are specifications required for any business wishing to become a customer site.
Many fire appliances around the world are based on standard truck or lorry models, which are upgraded to the specifications required by the purchasing department.
Pathfinder Five had reported on the exact specifications required of the galactic-scale Living Universe communications device.
Of conventional configuration, the He 60 was a sturdy aircraft, designed (as the specification required) to be capable of operating on the open sea.
Where a decision is made to remit back to the licensing board, the interlocutor should include any specification or modification required under subs.
It's running on COTS standard hardware that is in line with minimum specification required.
Police cars are usually passenger car models which are upgraded to the specifications required by the purchasing force.