It is difficult to specifically teach what you will need to know about movie conversations because every movie will require different words and sentences.
Sariel specifically taught men about the course of the moon.
The institute originally started as a French language school in Hong Kong, specifically teaching French to small groups of executives.
It was his belief that teachers had to be taught how to teach specifically to their needs.
And part of that specifically taught how to deal with a man who could channel.
So I started to get people to come in and ask me to specifically teach them stuff that was on my records.
Under the restorative work, a large greenhouse will also be restored to specifically teach schoolchildren and volunteers how best to nurture Portland plant-life.
Independence in terms of mobility and self-help will need to be encouraged and in some cases specifically taught.
A hearing child can listen in on adult conversations, TV, radio and the news to learn things that are not specifically taught or told to them.
Mr. Perkins describes several educational programs that specifically teach problem solving, decision making, organization, creativity and other aspects of reflective intelligence.