Pakistan is the only nation which specifically opposes India's candidacy.
He specifically opposed several other bills, including one to overturn the widely criticized retroactivity decision that he himself wrote.
He specifically opposed the idea of 'higher elementary schools' which were proposed for older school age children, and called for economies in expenditure.
He specifically opposes the defence provisions in the Lisbon Treaty.
No one specifically opposed the homeless.
Jobbik specifically opposes Israeli and Jewish investment in Hungary.
Unlike some Girondins, Robespierre would specifically oppose judgment by primary assemblies or a referendum, believing that this could cause civil war.
In 2009 and 2010, after seeing two of its own members tried as adults, the group began to focus on specifically opposing the school-to-prison pipeline.
Some oppose specifically the solitary confinement of young people, arguing that this practice is particularly harmful and unjust.
Early second wave feminist literature specifically opposed to marriage include: