This confusion has been exacerbated by the fact that all 7 LHBs have chosen operational names (i.e. the names by which they are known to the public) which specifically omit the word 'local'.
Of interest, advertisements placed in New African by the CantonFair, a Chinese parastatal trade organization, focus on Africa's trade with China and the remainder of the globe, however these advertisements specifically omit any trade relationship that Africa (as a continent) has with the United States.
Uniquely, however, the Quay Texts specifically omit any reference to the identity of the king himself.
We specifically omitted merasha for your own rite, precisely because we didn't know how you'd react.
This method "avoids being a preliminary design method as it specifically omits several design aspects claimed to aid implementation but to hinder analysis".
In the draft of the report, Mr. Layton omitted specifically listing the kinds of equipment Hanford and the other weapons plants possessed, saying that such information is classified.
Category D - initially applicable only to such crimes as genocide and crimes against humanity - specifically omits provisions restricting its scope to Australian citizens, and therefore applies to any person in any country, giving Australia universal jurisdiction over the crime of sedition.
He said that some of the holes were created on purpose, as with safety laws that specifically omit farm workers.