It is a technique that can specifically label the newly synthesized copies of the genetically tagged protein.
This was first demonstrated by specifically labelling replicating bacterial chromosomes with radioactive isotopes.
Or use one of the house plant sprays labeled specifically for scale control.
In any case, more drugs labeled specifically as NDDIs may be seen in the future.
Please note that, by default, the posted prices reflect the cost for domestic orders, unless specifically labeled as International prices.
Fluorescent inhibitors have also been developed to specifically label the active sites of the assembled proteasome.
Labeling specifically states that it protects against Giardia.
Two experts on the panel that recommended approval resisted the notion that the drug should be labeled specifically for African-Americans.
Look for one specifically labeled for sensitive skin, Ashinoff says.
The meaning behind the Psalms as a whole is not labeled specifically for they all have different meanings in and of each individual chapter.