Later, during the public hearings into the accident, the request by the pilot not to overfly populated areas was specifically commended by NTSB board members.
In 2011, following her death, White was specifically commended as one of "Louisiana's finest daughters" by the Louisiana House of Representatives.
He was part of the party that rescued the mortally wounded Hugh McKee at Citadel Korea and was himself wounded and specifically commended by the Lieutenant.
Several of the stories were specifically commended, among them Danticat's "Lélé" and Tóibín's "Donal Webster", which were said to "unfold, like elaborate origami flowers, into complex portraits."
Several deaconesses are specifically commended who took part in the Jesus movement alongside himself.
Meri was specifically commended for remaining on the battlefield despite being wounded four times.
For one thing, it has been a mammoth task, but I also think that Mr Schmid can justifiably be commended specifically for not having succumbed to what might be referred to as sensationalism.
(DE) Mr President, I should like to join my fellow Members who have specifically commended Commissioner Barrot and our rapporteurs Mrs Barsi-Pataky and Mrs Niebler for their staying power.
During her reign, Hertfordshire was specifically commended for its soldiers' efficiency.