He did not specifically acknowledge any current complaints of believers.
Academics specifically acknowledge the force of ephebiphobia in the commercial sector, where this fear of youth has been extensively exploited for financial gain.
Because the work's creators seemed unsure about how much they should specifically acknowledge "The Nutcracker" as a source, the choreography was somewhat indecisive.
In some cases, the influence of science fiction on weapons programs has been specifically acknowledged.
"Indeed, many of the books specifically acknowledge that religion is one source of moral values and none preclude that possibility."
According to the organization, his contract was renewed "in recognition of his significant accomplishments", specifically acknowledging the Carnegie Hall performance.
The fact is that the President specifically acknowledged to the grand jury that he had an improper intimate relationship with Ms. Lewinsky.
Quality is more important than quantity, and in this respect I would like to specifically acknowledge the quality of the monetary dialogue with the European Parliament.
That's a category of homeless people specifically acknowledged by the consent decree that has guided the city's homeless policy for nearly 20 years.
The BAP specifically acknowledges that the carrying capacity for human use and water pollution discharge of sensitive reef areas was exceeded by the year 1990.