Marching fire is a specific tactic that relies on this capability.
"Any specific tactic will be designed to achieve that goal."
While our mistakes have been many - from broad policy to specific tactics - the most frustrating are those that recur.
This does not mean children have to get their own way all the time (see page 97 for some specific tactics).
The Taliban have been accused of using terrorism as a specific tactic to further their ideological and political goals.
Generalizing from a study about a specific tactic to other tactics or uses of police is inappropriate.
Pilots are trained to employ specific tactics and maneuvers when they are under attack.
The specific tactics should be tied to the specific skills of the corporation.
Its not the specific tactics or strategies that the author professes to be the golden solution, its the motivation the book provides to take action.
Neither is it meant to express approval or disapproval of any specific tactic used to suppress Arab violence.