But the American draft would not commit the summit nations to any specific reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
That plan would not dictate specific reductions for single sources of pollution, leaving the states to decide what kind of controls to impose.
This energy package would clearly define climate change objectives for the EU and hold members to specific reductions in emissions.
"A commitment to a specific numerical reduction in that surplus will help in maintaining the health and the credibility of the global trading system."
It's a specific dollar-for-dollar reduction of tax liability provided by specific legislation designed to encourage investment in affordable housing.
The Mayor would not elaborate yesterday on specific reductions.
They were the first call by a Federal agency for a specific reduction in dietary fat content, not the first for a reduction in general.
Although generally hailing the conservation measures, some environmental groups faulted the consent order for not requiring specific reductions in water use.
Some jurisdictions allow for a specific monetary reduction of the tax base, which may be referred to as an exemption.