"I don't want to get into specific plays," Bledsoe said after the game.
It's easy to blame a specific player or a specific play, but that's not what I'm after.
But the Giants counter with specific plays they worked on that week, plays the players have had a limited time to practice.
He remembers talking to Mantle about specific plays or hits and having the player look back at him, blank-eyed, not remembering.
Ask him about a specific play in last night's game and he might answer with something Toe Blake told him 40 years ago.
Peers are more likely to punish cross-gender play while at the same time reinforcing play specific to gender.
But her interest is more in the ushering experience than in specific plays.
In 2012 he was able to precise recall the details and timing of a specific play he had used at Tennessee 16 years earlier.
The studio also offers a variety of classes which focus on theatre in general, rather than on a specific play or musical.
Quarterback coaches or offensive coordinators on the sidelines talk to the quarterback with a radio, giving him specific plays and options.