The problem is that the government has been focused on a prognostic model of developing and stockpiling countermeasures aimed at specific pathogens.
As its name suggests, the role of the adaptive immune response is to stimulate and 'memorise' immunity to specific pathogens.
On test fields in the laboratory and the biological control, African locust are tested and developed with specific pathogens.
It is also used for the treatment of infections caused by specific pathogens known to be sensitive.
The trick was identifying the genetic sequence of the specific pathogen they were hunting.
This initially appeared very promising as antibodies did appear towards the specific pathogens or antigens that were used in the original challenge.
It does give long-term protection against specific pathogens.
The adaptive immune response gives the vertebrate immune system the ability to recognize and remember specific pathogens.
The T cells and B cells that are called upon to attack specific pathogens showed no change, he said.
Its facilities include a specific pathogen free, biosecure vivarium as well as research and development labs.