This is a rare mineral, since it results from extremely high temperatures that have come in contact with specific alumina-silicate minerals.
"We are mostly water, with some carbon and specific minerals," Rose said, scrupulously quoting me.
The presence of specific minerals can also affect soil color.
Many onsen, especially in hot springs resorts, boast more than one type of bath; some contain special herbs, or minerals specific to that region.
He also conducted studies aiming to identify the specific minerals that give a clayey soil its plastic nature.
Most cooperatives were small and consisted of individual miners organized by mine or specific mineral and using very little technology.
The resulting energy pattern is an emissivity spectrum characteristic of the specific minerals (or other things) found on the surface.
These are less general, and apply to specific minerals.
"I still don't understand how it can identify specific minerals," said a confused Klein.
Mineraloids possess chemical compositions that vary beyond the generally accepted ranges for specific minerals.