The least stable group is a coalition which exists to achieve a specific end.
And yet only a few hundred then qualified for a careful series of conditionings, from education to home environment, aimed toward a specific end.
There is no reason why religious men should not band themselves the better to attain specific ends.
Whoever is behind this has seen a reason to focus on a specific end with a specific goal in mind.
The president therefore decided that Korea would be a limited war, confined to specific ends and restricted in means.
Psychoactive substances are used by humans for a number of different purposes to achieve a specific end.
They worked openly for specific political ends, and often solicited coverage of their activities by the press.
They began to concentrate on a specific redheaded individual with a specific end in mind.
The Second Foundation may have been a very necessary scarecrow, with a highly specific end in view.
At the same time it stresses that they are all directed to a specific pastoral end.