In fact, very specific nutritional deficiencies can affect your hair.
Additional learning support is available for soldiers with specific learning difficulties or basic skills deficiencies.
Others, such as Gregory Vlastos, see the dialogue ending because of the specific deficiencies of the characters' definitions.
Small-group instruction and teaching to specific deficiencies were emphasized.
"We're not saying any of the specific deficiencies caused his death but they are serious deficiencies."
No specific deficiency with associated disease has been recognized, and no disease state is attributed to low concentrations of Alpha 2 macroglobulin.
I do not routinely recommend any additional vitamins or supplements for healthier hair, unless a specific deficiency has been identified in a person's blood work.
Its specific mathematical deficiency is explained here.
The argument about rote is that it is a specific deficiency in our current system, rather than that it is a panacea for all education ills.
"Over the past two years, the Justice Department has repeatedly advised state officials of the specific deficiencies and the corrective action needed," the department said.