It has been demonstrated recently that this species can transmit phytoplasms to plums and apricots.
But scientists are still not certain what species of mosquito is transmitting the virus to humans in the current epidemic.
However, there is still no conclusive evidence as to whether or not this species actually transmits diseases to humans or animals.
Many species are parasitic on birds and transmit infection.
Many species transmit diseases to animals and people.
The description of this genus shows that these species have transmitted bat malaria in the past.
The relatively large bison populations are a concern for ranchers, who fear that the species can transmit bovine diseases to their domesticated cousins.
Perhaps 400 species of mosquito can transmit disease to humans.
Some species of this genus transmit serious diseases, including dengue fever and yellow fever.
Some species that prey on bivalve molluscs can transmit paralytic shellfish poisoning.